怪獸大學 (Monsters University)

Monsters University

怪獸大學 (Monsters University)
電影年份: 2013
語言: 英文 (美國)
片長: 104 min
導演: Dan Scanlon
IMDB評分: 7.5


找到自己熱愛的事,哪怕只是每天做一點點,時間一長,就能看到成果。 Find your passion and work on it everyday, even just for a little bit. With time, you will see the results.
Find your passion and work on it everyday, even just for a little bit. With time, you will see the results.
美夢成真的前提,是先有一個夢。 The prerequisite of having a dream come true is having a dream.
The prerequisite of having a dream come true is having a dream.
再長的路,一步步也能走完;再短的路,不邁開步伐就無法到達。 Take one step at a time, and you can walk even the longest road; fail to make a move, and you won't cross even the smallest gap.
Take one step at a time, and you can walk even the longest road; fail to make a move, and you won’t cross even the smallest gap.
別人說你不行,不代表你真的不行。 Just because others say you can't, doesn't mean you can't.
Just because others say you can’t, doesn’t mean you can’t.


Billy Crystal

Mike (voice)
John Goodman

Sullivan (voice)
Steve Buscemi

Randy (voice)
Helen Mirren

Dean Hardscrabble (voice)
Peter Sohn

Squishy (voice)
Joel Murray

Don (voice)

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