傲慢與偏見 (Pride and Prejudice)

Pride and Prejudice

傲慢與偏見 (Pride and Prejudice)
電影年份: 2005
語言: 英文 (美國)
片長: 129 min
導演: Joe Wright
IMDB評分: 7.8
珍.奧斯汀名著改編,敘述一位單身、富有的紳士Mr. Darcy,一直都很自負於他的身份地位,而讓身邊的人都覺得他難以相處;就算遇到了他心儀的女孩Elizabeth,仍然不肯放下身段。也因為這樣,兩人之間一直有很深的誤解。直到後來兩人有機會更深入了解彼此,才慢慢的改變偏見,互相敞開心房。


跟你共度人生的人,應該要讓你快樂,而不是要你取悅。 Spend life with the one makes you happy, not whom you have to impress.
Spend life with the one makes you happy, not whom you have to impress.
有一天,你會遇到那個人,陪你看每一次日出,直到人生的日落。  Someday, you will find the one, who will watch every sunrise with you until the sunset of your life。
有一天,你會遇到那個人,陪你看每一次日出,直到人生的日落。 Someday, you will find the one, who will watch every sunrise with you until the sunset of your life。
真正愛你的人不一定會說許多愛你的話,卻會做許多愛你的事。 Those who truly love you may not always say so, but they always do so.
Those who truly love you may not always say so, but they always do so.



Keira Knightley

Elizabeth Bennet
Matthew Macfadyen

Mr. Darcy
Talulah Riley

Mary Bennet
Rosamund Pike

Jane Bennet
Donald Sutherland

Mr. Bennet
Jena Malone

Lydia Bennet

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