Tag Archives: Hugo Weaving

美國隊長 (Captain America: The First Avenger)

Captain America

美國隊長 (Captain America: The First Avenger)
電影年份: 2011
語言: 英文
片長: 124 min
導演: Joe Johnston
IMDB評分: 6.8
Steve Rogers是一個一心想要為國奉獻的年輕人,但苦於先天上的缺陷,讓他一直無法通過體檢從軍。此時政府的一個超級士兵計劃找上了他,讓他從原本手無縛雞之力,瞬間變成了力大無比的超級英雄。他將使用他新獲得的能力,帶領美國的士兵們對抗納粹以及其旗下名為九頭蛇的恐怖組織。



Chris Evans Captain America / Steve Rogers
Hayley Atwell Peggy Carter
Sebastian Stan James Buchanan ‘Bucky’ Barnes
Tommy Lee Jones Colonel Chester Phillips
Hugo Weaving Johann Schmidt / Red Skull
Stanley Tucci Dr. Abraham Erskine

哈比人:意外旅程 (The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey)

The Hobbit-An Unexpected Journey

哈比人:意外旅程 (The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey)
電影年份: 2012
語言: 英文
片長: 169 min
導演: Peter Jackson
IMDB評分: 8.1


光靠書本或是地圖是無法體驗這世界的,你得走出去。 "The world is not in your books and maps. It's out there."
“The world is not in your books and maps. It’s out there.”
最終讓人後悔的,總是那些未曾冒的險、不敢愛的人、與等待了太久的決定。  In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take, relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make.
In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take, relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make.
沒做過的事會使你成長,不想做的事能讓你改變,不敢做的事將讓你突破。 Doing something you've never done before is called growth; doing something you didn't want to do is called change; doing something you dared not to do is called breakthrough.
Doing something you’ve never done before is called growth; doing something you didn’t want to do is called change; doing something you dared not to do is called breakthrough.



Ian McKellen Gandalf
Martin Freeman Bilbo
Richard Armitage Thorin
Cate Blanchett Galadriel
Hugo Weaving Elrond
Elijah Wood Frodo