Tag Archives: 水尢的10大愛情片



10. 派特的幸福劇本 (Silver Linings Playbook), 2012

我要的不是一段完美的愛,而是一個不放棄我的人。 I don't need a perfect relationship, I just need someone who won't give up on me.
I don’t need a perfect relationship, I just need someone who won’t give up on me.

9. 曼哈頓戀習曲 (Begin Again), 2013

愛你的人讓你更好,傷你的人讓你茁壯。 Those who love you make you better, those who hurt you make you strong.
Those who love you make you better, those who hurt you make you strong.

8. 熟男型不型 (Crazy, Stupid, Love), 2011

愛不是總盯著對方,而是注視同一個方向。 Love is not about fixing your eyes on each other; it’s about looking at the same direction.
Love is not about fixing your eyes on each other; it’s about looking at the same direction.

7. 班傑明的奇幻旅程 (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button), 2008

人生中最美好的三天是,我出生的那天,你出生的那天,以及我和你變成了我們的那天。 The best 3 days in life are: the day I was born, the day you were born, and the day you and I became us.
The best 3 days in life are: the day I was born, the day you were born, and the day you and I became us.

6. 末日倒數怎麼伴 (Seeking a Friend at the End of the World), 2012

每顆被打碎的心,都會遇見個願意修補它的人。 For every broken heart, there's someone who's willing to patch it
For every broken heart, there’s someone who’s willing to patch it up.

5. 征服情海 (Jerry Maguire), 1996

The best feeling of all is when someone understands the words stuck on the tip of your tongue.

4. 王牌冤家 (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind), 2004

有些人就在身邊,但很遙遠;有些人活在記憶裡,卻刻骨銘心。 Some people are close to us, yet they feel afar; some people only live in our memory, yet they feel eternal.
Some people are close to us, yet they feel afar; some people only live in our memory, yet they feel eternal.

3. 戀夏500日 (500 Days of Summer), 2009

某些人來到你的生命中,不是為了愛你,而是讓你感到值得被愛。 Some people come into your life not to love you, but to make you feel that you are worth loving.
Some people come into your life not to love you, but to make you feel that you are worth loving.

2. 雲端情人 (Her), 2013

曾經以為失去你,我就失去了全世界;但現在你走了,我的世界還在。 I once thought you meant the world to me; but now that you're gone, my world is still turning.
I once thought you meant the world to me; but now that you’re gone, my world is still turning.

1. 阿甘正傳 (Forrest Gump), 1994

不要因為一個人願意等你,你就狠下心來讓他等。 Never keep someone waiting just because you know t
Never keep someone waiting just because you know they will.
