Tag Archives: Matt Damon

瞞天過海 (Ocean’s Eleven)

Ocean's Eleven

瞞天過海 (Ocean’s Eleven)
電影年份: 2001
語言: 英文
片長: 116 min
導演: Steven Soderbergh
IMDB評分: 7.8
改編自經典影集,敘述一位名叫Ocean的大盜,出獄之後為了要報復並且贏回妻子,招集了另外10名各自擁有不同專才的罪犯,計畫了一場看似不可能的案子 – 同時搶劫三間拉斯維加斯的賭場。



George Clooney Danny Ocean
Brad Pitt Rusty Ryan
Matt Damon Linus Caldwell
Julia Roberts Tess Ocean
Andy Garcia Terry Benedict
Elliott Gould Reuben Tishkoff


心靈捕手 (Good Will Hunting)

Good Will Hunting

心靈捕手 (Good Will Hunting)
電影年份: 1997
語言: 英文
片長: 126 min
導演: Gus Van Sant
IMDB評分: 8.2
Will Hunting是一位在MIT擔任清潔工的年輕人。他對於數學有著過人的天份,但卻個性偏激。在教授Sean Maguire和朋友Chuckie的幫助下,Will最終把心靈打開,消除了人際隔閡,並找回了自我和愛情。


有些人,需要別人先肯定他,才能肯定自己。  Some people won't believe in themselves until someone else believes in them first.
Some people won’t believe in themselves until someone else believes in them first.
很多時候我們缺的不是機會,而是決心與勇氣。 Often times what we lack is not the opportunity, but courage and determination.
Often times what we lack is not the opportunity, but courage and determination.



Matt Damon Will Hunting
Robin Williams Sean Maguire
Ben Affleck Chuckie Sullivan
Stellan Skarsgård Prof. Gerald Lambeau
Minnie Driver Skylar
Casey Affleck Morgan O’Mally

我們買了動物園 (We Bought a Zoo)

We Bought a Zoo

我們買了動物園 (We Bought a Zoo)
電影年份: 2011
語言: 英文 (美國)
片長: 124 min
導演: Cameron Crowe
IMDB評分: 7.2


當你那麼的深,那麼的久,那麼用力地愛過一個人,不管你去到哪,都不可能忘得了她。 When you love somebody that much, that hard, that long, you can never get away from them, no matter where you go.
“When you love somebody that much, that hard, that long, you can never get away from them, no matter where you go.”
我堅強,是因為曾經軟弱;我勇敢,是因為曾經害怕;我明白,是因為曾經迷惑。 I'm strong, because I was weak; I'm brave, because I was afraid; I'm clear, because I was confused.
I’m strong, because I was weak; I’m brave, because I was afraid; I’m clear, because I was confused.
你不能決定誰會走進你的生命裡,但你可以決定誰能留下來。 You can't decide who walks into your life, but you can decide who will stay.
You can’t decide who walks into your life, but you can decide who will stay.
有時你需要的只是20秒瘋狂的勇氣;我可以保證,絕對會有好事發生。 “Sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage, and I promise you something great will come of it.”
“Sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage, and I promise you something great will come of it.”



Matt Damon Benjamin Mee
Scarlett Johansson Kelly Foster
Thomas Haden Church Duncan Mee
Colin Ford Dylan Mee
Maggie Elizabeth Jones Rosie Mee
Elle Fanning Lily Miska