Tag Archives: Jennifer Lawrence

派特的幸福劇本 (Silver Linings Playbook)

Silver Linings Playbook

派特的幸福劇本 (Silver Linings Playbook)
電影年份: 2012
語言: 英文
片長: 122 min
導演: David O. Russell
IMDB評分: 7.9
故事裡的男主角Pat原本是個老師,因為撞見妻子出軌而精神崩潰。雖然在病情穩定之後出了院,卻還是會常常因為一些刺激而失控暴走。不但傷害了自己,也傷害了與他同住的父母。Pat對自己的狀況很懊惱,也很希望能夠改變,但卻不見好轉。直到他遇見了Tiffany – 一位同樣有著情緒問題、特立獨行的年輕寡婦。



Bradley Cooper Pat
Jennifer Lawrence Tiffany
Robert De Niro Pat Sr.
Jacki Weaver Dolores
Chris Tucker Danny
Anupam Kher Dr. Cliff Patel

飢餓遊戲 (The Hunger Games)

The Hunger Games

飢餓遊戲 (The Hunger Games)
電影年份: 2012
語言: 英文 (美國)
片長: 142 min
導演: Gary Ross
IMDB評分: 7.3
在故事設定的國家 – 施惠國 (Panem)裡,政府為了預防數十年前發生過的革命重演,要求國內12個地區每年都要選出一男一女兩名『貢品』,在名叫『飢餓遊戲』的實況轉播節目中互相殘殺。女主角因為妹妹被抽中而自願代替她成為貢品,即將前往首都,面對這場殘酷的競賽。


對生命中的障礙要心存感激,因為它們讓你在旅途上變得更堅強。 Be grateful for all the obstacles in your life; they have strengthened you as you continue with your journey.
Be grateful for all the obstacles in your life; they have strengthened you as you continue with your journey.
我不是孤僻,只是不想把自己奉獻在別人的熱鬧裡。 I'm not isolated; I just don't like the idea of devoting myself to the amusement of others.
I’m not isolated; I just don’t like the idea of devoting myself to the amusement of others.
我們可以接受失望,因為它是有限的;但我們不能失去希望,因為它是無窮的。 We can accept disappointment, for it's limited; we can never lose hope, for it's infinite.
We can accept disappointment, for it’s limited; we can never lose hope, for it’s infinite.
生命的殘酷,在於總是用悲傷讓你瞭解什麼是幸福,用噪音教你如何去欣賞寂靜,用彎路提醒你前方還有坦途。 Life is cruel; it lets you understand happiness with sorrow, makes you appreciate silence with noise, and reminds you of the leveled road ahead with the slope.
Life is cruel; it lets you understand happiness with sorrow, makes you appreciate silence with noise, and reminds you of the leveled road ahead with the slope.




Jennifer Lawrence

Katniss Everdeen
Josh Hutcherson

Peeta Mellark
Woody Harrelson

Haymitch Abernathy
Liam Hemsworth

Gale Hawthorne
Stanley Tucci

Caesar Flickerman
Elizabeth Banks

Effie Trinket