Tag Archives: Drew Barrymore

他其實沒那麼喜歡妳 (He’s Just Not That Into You)

He's Just Not That Into You

他其實沒那麼喜歡你 (He’s Just Not That Into You)
電影年份: 2009
語言: 英文
片長: 129 min
導演: Ken Kwapis
IMDB評分: 6.4
同名暢銷小說改編,故事圍繞在幾個20-30歲之間的女性她們的愛情遭遇,其實在每一段的愛情裡面,總有一方投入比較多的感情。就在這些不同的愛情故事中,有人得到了圓滿的Happy Ending,也有人離開了原來的愛人,但是所有的人都還是在不同的際遇,在每個世界的角落繼續下去追尋愛情。


信任是一張紙,要是皺了,就再也無法撫平。 Trust is a piece of paper; once it creases, it can never be smooth again.
Trust is a piece of paper; once it creases, it can never be smooth again.
有時候,不是對方不在乎你,而是你太在乎對方。 Sometimes it's not that others don't care about you, but you care about others too much.
Sometimes it’s not that others don’t care about you, but you care about others too much.
每段戀情都是值得的;若它沒有給你你想要的,至少它讓你知道哪些是你不想要的。 No relationship is a waste of time; if it didn't bring you what you want, it taught you what you don't want.
No relationship is a waste of time; if it didn’t bring you what you want, it taught you what you don’t want.



Ben Affleck Neil
Bradley Cooper Ben
Bill Nighy Douglas Ainslie
Jennifer Aniston Beth
Jennifer Connelly Janine
Drew Barrymore Mary

K歌情人 (Music and Lyrics)

Music and Lyrics

K歌情人 (Music and Lyrics)
電影年份: 2007
語言: 英文 (美國)
片長: 96 min
導演: Marc Lawrence
IMDB評分: 6.6
Alex Fletcher是一位過氣的歌手,雖然當年紅極一時,但現在卻只能上一些二流通告,或是參加一些私人的邀約。但他東山再起的機會出現了 – 一位當紅的少女歌手向他邀歌,希望Alex能替她的新歌操刀。Alex現在需要的,是一位能夠賦予他的音樂,動人歌詞的那個人。


有時候,喜歡一首歌不是因為曲子好聽,而是因為歌詞像是在寫自己。 When you love a song for its lyrics, it's mostly because you feel like it's writing about you.
When you love a song for its lyrics, it’s mostly because you feel like it’s writing about you.



Hugh Grant Alex Fletcher
Drew Barrymore Sophie Fisher
Haley Bennett Cora Corman
Brad Garrett Chris Riley
Aasif Mandvi Khan
Scott Porter Colin Thompson